Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Toltec Empire

G: Based around their central city of Tula, located on the northern edge of Mesoamerica, in the Valley of Mexico. The climate is very arid, and subsequently very little can be grown there. At the height of the Toltec civilization between 950 and 1150 CE., it encompassed across Mexico, Guatemala, and as far south as the Yucatan Penninsula.


R: The Toltecs practiced a polytheistic religion that focused on two major deities, Quetzacoatl, which represented education, philosophy, fertility, holiness and civilization as a whole. His rival, Tezcatlipoca was referred to as the "smoked mirror", in which he resembled Quetzacoatl but was evil, and represented tyranny and war. There were minor deities  usually in the form of animals, but nothing is known about what they represented or how they were worshiped. It is known however, that human sacrifice was practiced often in order to appease the Gods. It was a very painful process for the human being sacrificed, as their heart would be taken out while still beating, (Vlad the Impaler would approve). Shamanism was practiced extensively, and the rulers would be thought of as Gods. 

A: The art present in the Toltec Empire would later give inspiration to the Aztec. There were often figures of snakes, skulls and half-animals half-Gods. Their art was almost always religious, political or philosophical. Clay and carvings were the most common art form found by archaeologists.   

S: Very little is known about life in the Toltec empire, although it is assumed that because of their militaristic state, there was a class system. The middle class was most likely made up of craftsmen, astronomers, merchants, and other trained professionals. 

P: Very little is known about the structure of life in the Toltec civilization, other than they were militaristic, with a warrior aristocracy. The "purer" Toltec you were, the higher your rank. This is how claimed the throne.

E: Toltec economy depeneded on agriculture and trade. Their main crops were maize (corn), beans, and chili peppers. Artisans used nearby volcanic glass to create weapons, which they then exported. Most of the people living in the urban areas of the empire were crafters.Other crafts included textiles, wooden instruments, ceramics, and stone tools. The trade influence of the Toltecs was far-reaching. Their imports included textiles, feathers, shells, peyote, cacao beans, and mushrooms.

D: At the height of the Toltec reign, c. 950 CE, there was estimated to be around 40,000 people up to 60,000 people. Yet again, as there is no written record, it is very hard to have any certain facts.

I: The majority of the Aztec's acheivements came from the Toltecs, however, this is not widely accepted by historians. For information on the Aztec's acheivements:

T: Most of the technological advancements had to do with agriculture, such as irragation and planting of crops in a way that benefited the soil.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Vocabulary: Chapter 8

1. Mecca
2. Istanbul
3. Silk Roads
4. Trans-Saharan trade routes
5. Aztec Empire
6. Inca Empire
7. "relay trade"
8. Byzantine Empire
9. Dunhaung
10. Myrrh
11. Srivijana
12. Sea Roads
13. Borobudur
14. Great Zimbabwe
15. American Web

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Vlad Dracul

Hello, subjects. I am the basis of many fictitious horror characters, best of which was Bram Stocker’s novel, Dracula. I was born into the Dracul dynasty in 1431. Born in Sighisoara, Transylvania, the dynasty I was born into had sworn to uphold Christianity, and to defend the empire from the Islamic Turks. However, my father sold me to the Turks as insurance that neither would attack. Learning that my father was later killed at the hands of my relatives, I swore my revenge, thus starting the blood shed of my empire. My goal was for my empire to consist of hardworking and honest, and they would not receive another chance. I led an absolute monarch, and although I didn’t expand my empire drastically, I defended against the Ottoman Empire on more than one occasion. I was partial to the wealthy and those who had power, but I was indiscriminate on my victims. I am still said to be one of the most horrific leaders of all time. I was killed in battle against the Ottomans near Bucharest in December 1476, however no one can prove this, thus some still believe that I am a vampire.
